Apnetem (homeopathic)

Liquid (homeopathic)



Active Ingredient

Adenosine cyclic phosphate
Aluminum oxide
Antimony potassium tartrate
Coenzyme a
Grindelia hirsutula flowering top
Lachesis muta venom
Lycopodium clavatum spore
Manganese phosphate, dibasic
Phosphoric acid
Polygala senega root
Potassium alum
Rheum palmatum root
Sanguinarine nitrate
Schoenocaulon officinale seed
Silicon dioxide

Generic name

Phosphoricum Acidum, Alumen, Phosphorus, Senega Officinalis, Adenosinum Cyclophosphoricum, Antimonium Tartaricum, Grindelia, Sabadilla, Alumina, Cuprum Metallicum, Sanguinarinum Nitricum, Silicea, Lachesis Mutus, Rheum (Palmatum), Zincum Metallicum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Manganum Phosphoricum, Antipyrinum, Coenzyme A
all drugs with same generic name available in the Human Drugs App

Pharm classes

Copper [CS]
Copper-containing Intrauterine Device [EPC]
Decreased Embryonic Implantation [PE]
Decreased Sperm Motility [PE]
Inhibit Ovum Fertilization [PE]
Magnetic Resonance Contrast Activity [MoA]
Paramagnetic Contrast Agent [EPC]

Official label

view Official label in the Human Drugs App

Other Drugs with the Same Active Ingredient and Dosage Form/Route

other Drugs with the Same Active Ingredient available in the Human Drugs App

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