Morning Sickness-Nausea (homeopathic)

Liquid (homeopathic)



Active Ingredient

Anemone pulsatilla
Black cohosh
Bryonia alba root
Gossypium herbaceum root bark
Iris versicolor root
Lycopodium clavatum spore
Magnesium carbonate
Matricaria chamomilla
Sepia officinalis juice
Strychnos nux-vomica seed
Symphoricarpos albus fruit
Tobacco leaf
Wood creosote

Generic name

Chamomilla, Hydrastis canadensis, Iris versicolor, Bismuthum metallicum, Bryonia, Cimicifuga racemosa, Gossypium herbaceum, Ipecacuanha, Kreosotum, Lycopodium clavatum, Magnesia carbonica, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Symphoricarpus racemosus, Tabacum, Zingiber officinale.
all drugs with same generic name available in the Human Drugs App

Pharm classes

Allergens [CS]
Cell-mediated Immunity [PE]
Dietary Proteins [CS]
Food Additives [CS]
Increased Histamine Release [PE]
Increased IgG Production [PE]
Non-Standardized Food Allergenic Extract [EPC]
Non-Standardized Plant Allergenic Extract [EPC]
Plant Proteins [CS]
Seed Storage Proteins [CS]

Official label

view Official label in the Human Drugs App

Other Drugs with the Same Active Ingredient and Dosage Form/Route

other Drugs with the Same Active Ingredient available in the Human Drugs App

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