Poison Ivy (homeopathic)
Pellet (homeopathic)
Active Ingredient
Aconitum napellus
Apis mellifera
Bryonia alba root
Croton tiglium seed
Daphne mezereum bark
Echinacea, unspecified
Grindelia hirsutula flowering top
Lytta vesicatoria
Ranunculus bulbosus
Rumex crispus root
Semecarpus anacardium juice
Smilax ornata root
Strychnos nux-vomica seed
Taraxacum officinale
Toxicodendron pubescens leaf
Urtica urens
Xerophyllum asphodeloides
Generic name
Xerophyllum asphodeloides, Aconitum nap., Anacardium orientale, Apis mel., Bryonia, Cantharis, Croton, Graphites, Grindelia, Mezereum, Nux vom., Ranunc. bulb., Rhus toxicodendron, Sarsaparilla, Sulphur, Echinacea, Rumex crisp.,Taraxacum, Urtica ur.
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Pharm classes
Allergens [CS]
Bee Venoms [CS]
Cell-mediated Immunity [PE]
Increased Histamine Release [PE]
Increased IgG Production [PE]
Non-Standardized Plant Allergenic Extract [EPC]
Plant Proteins [CS]
Seed Storage Proteins [CS]
Standardized Insect Venom Allergenic Extract [EPC]
Official label
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Other Drugs with the Same Active Ingredient and Dosage Form/Route
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